Emergency Water Direct

Emergency Water Directet

Prepared by Max Gyllenskog, MPH, LEHS, DAAS, CDR,
US Public Health Service (Ret)

Three tier water storage system
1.  GRAB AND RUN- store water in small containers that can carried on your person or in a 72 hour kit. 
2. BULK HOME WATER STORAGE- Store enough water for your family for a month during a short term disaster.
3.  Water Treatment Method- Have equipment available to treat or filter contaminated water and make it safe to drink.
                -Chlorine dioxide kills or inactivates the microorganisms
                -Coconut Carbon removes the excess chlorine and associated taste and odor. 
                -Micro filtration with cyst removal capability is very important for removing Cryptosporidium                      and Giardia in surface water such as lakes and streams.
Prepare an emergency supply
                -Storing 2 gallons of water per day for each person and each pet.  (You may need more for hot  climates, pregnant women, sick people)
                -Store at least a two week supply for each person or pet:  28 gallons minimum
                -Store chlorine dioxide or 5.25% unscented liquid household chlorine bleach (rotated annually) to disinfect you water.
Water Containers
                (Only use commercial food-grade water storage containers)
                BEFORE FILLING
                1) Wash the storage container with dishwashing soap and water rinse completely.
                2) Sanitize the container by adding a solution made by mixing 1 tsp. of unscented liquid chlorine                bleach per quart of water or 1 cup bleach in 5 gallons of water for large containers.
                3) Cover the container and shake it well so that the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of the container.
                4) Wait at least 30 seconds then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
                5) Let the empty sanitized container air-dry before use OR rinse the empty container with clean,              safe water that already is available.
                6) Then- Fill the container with clean or treated water using a food quality hose which has been                protected from contamination.
                Containers that cannot be sealed tightly
                Containers that can break
                Second-hand containers that have had chemicals (i.e. bleach containers)
                Second-hand plastic, cardboard, jugs and containers previously used to store milk or fruit juice.

                Proper Storage
                Label as drinking water with date
                Keep in fairly cool and constant temperature
                Do not store in direct sunlight
                Do not store in areas with toxic substances such as gasoline or pesticides
                Add a barrier between containers and concrete floor

                Adding chlorine dioxide as the water is filling the container will assure bacteriological safety        throughout storage process. 

How long can water be stored?
                Some sources say every 6 months.  If the correct conditions are met water can be stored 5
                Years or longer
-          A good/clean water container is used
-          A clean contaminant free filling process is used
-          A tight seal is maintained
-          High quality treated water or added treatment is used at the time of filling
-          The container is maintained tightly closed until use.

Filtration after Storage
                Filter with a good quality carbon filter before drinking will remove chemicals producing better    tasting and healthier water.

Liquid Bleach Dosage Chart

                Treating water with a 5-6 percent liquid chlorine bleach solution
Volume of water to be treated
Treating clear (possibly contaminated) water:
Bleach solution to add:
Treating cloudy, very cold or surface water:
Bleach solution to add
1 quart/ 1 liter
3 drops
5 drops
½ gallon/ 2 quarts/ 2 liters
5 drops
10 drops
1 gallon
5 gallons
10 drops
½ teaspoon
20 drops
1 teaspoon
10 gallons
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoon
50 gallons
½ ounce (1 Clorox bottle capful)
1 ounce (2 Clorox bottle capfuls)

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