Friday, November 6, 2015

Water Containers

Water Containers
                (Only use commercial food-grade water storage containers)
                BEFORE FILLING
                1) Wash the storage container with dish washing soap and water rinse completely.
                2) Sanitize the container by adding a solution made by mixing 1 tsp. of unscented liquid chlorine bleach per quart of water or 1 cup bleach in 5 gallons of water for large containers.
                3) Cover the container and shake it well so that the sanitizing bleach solution touches all inside surfaces of the container.
                4) Wait at least 30 seconds then pour the sanitizing solution out of the container.
                5) Let the empty sanitized container air-dry before use OR rinse the empty container with clean, safe water that already is available.
                6) Then- Fill the container with clean or treated water using a food quality hose which has been protected from contamination.

                Containers that cannot be sealed tightly
                Containers that can break
                Second-hand containers that have had chemicals (i.e. bleach containers)
                Second-hand plastic, cardboard, jugs and containers previously used to store milk or fruit juice.

                Proper Storage
                Label as drinking water with date
                Keep in fairly cool and constant temperature
                Do not store in direct sunlight
                Do not store in areas with toxic substances such as gasoline or pesticides
                Add a barrier between containers and concrete floor

                Adding chlorine dioxide as the water is filling the container will assure bacteriological safety throughout storage process.  

Use a 'bung' wrench to open the 50 gallon water tanks

When filling water tanks do not use a regular garden hose, but use a "water hose" such as a hose you would use for an RV.

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